REthinking Fitness

Thoughts and musings on health and fitness

FitPorn : The ongoing fetishization of the health and fitness industry.

I was talking to a web designer the other day about my web page. They were eager to show me their work and asked if they could send me some samples.  I had designed my own web page but I am not a professional, if there was a benefit to be had why not explore it?  After a few days I get an email with some layouts. I open them up and I am suddenly kind of embarrassed to be looking at them on my laptop in a public space.  The images are all larger than life and feature what I am known to refer to as Fitporn.  An attractive young woman who is sporting a crop top and low hanging sweat shorts curling 2 lbs weights is the first thing I see. I scroll down and another woman in a provocative "exercise pose" with an ample view of her cleavage. The male photos on the layout are relatively the same. Frosted tips, ab showing, striking topless poses that I have never seen in any gym.  Instagram,Tumblr,Facebook are full of men and women with half naked selfie shots in the mirror touting  #gunshow #squats #reallifefit and I have to throw the bullshit flag.  First off congratulations for getting what I hope you want. It probably took a lot of effort to get there.  Second if you are working out for the sake of vanity I have no issue telling you exactly how you can get that look. In fact shoot me an email and I will tell you how to do it absolutely free of charge. However, none of those images actually means health and they certainly don't mean fitness. These are the images that the health and fitness industry bank roll to make you believe that a certain look is the pinnacle of health.  They are used to sell products, cleanses, and trainers who tell you that you can look the same as they do or just like (insert movie star here).  I work with and want to work with real people. People with real lives to lead and real issues that are keeping them from doing what they want to do with that life.  People who are ready to listen to their body and what it has to say.  Heath and fitness is a  selfie with a blood work test saying A1C down to 6.6 #lessmeds  an MRI of a knee with a hashtag #fullrangeofmotion or raising an arm above the head with the  hashtag #frozenshoulderisthawed.  Unfortunately standing on a staircase with the message avoided hip replacement for another year #fitlife doesn't seem to have the glam or skin that permeates our current culture.   

If you liked what you have read give us a like on facebook follow us on twitter, If you are interested in what REFIT can do for you drop us an email and we can chat.   

I appreciate your time and as always let me know how I can help.

Christopher Yeoman