Sex in the City Ryan Reynolds and the bottom line of Peloton
Ok, some up front disclaimers. I don’t watch Sex and the City . I never have probably never will. I love Ryan Reynolds and no matter what he is in I am always game for a chuckle. I don’t care for Peloton or its business practices , advertising, or subscription service. But you either like them or you don’t and what ever gets you on the road to your well being is just fine with me.
So if you do or don’t know apparently the Sex in the City Writers Killed off MR. BIG ( yes I had to ask my girlfriend about the characters. ) after he was done riding or was on a Peloton bike ( again I didn’t watch it) therefore somehow insinuating that it was the bike ride or ride intensity that killed him. Peloton had not ok’d this type of product placement and were upset that the aftermath may have caused a drop in it’s stock price. Enter Ryan Reynolds and the media firm Maximum Effort . Reynolds was featured in the last Peloton ad flub in 2019 where a boyfriend gifts a Peloton to his already willowy girlfriend. Any comedian in world could have told Peloton this ad was a dumb idea. In this current ad Mr. Big and a Peloton trainer are fireside contemplating / insinuating the sexy that is the Peloton ride. Reynolds does a voice over touting the benefits of cycling, Peloton , and He’s alive! Cut to logo.
Peloton released a statement through spokeswoman for their health and advisory council Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a preventative cardiologist and member of Peloton’s Heath and Advisory Council in a company statement “Mr. Big lived what many would call an extravagant lifestyle — including cocktails, cigars, and big steaks — and was at serious risk as he had a previous cardiac event in Season 6. These lifestyle choices and perhaps even his family history, which often is a significant factor, were the likely cause of his death. Riding his Peloton Bike may have even helped delay his cardiac event.” ( IN SHORT : It was his fault not ours we just make a bike)
It continued: “More than 80% of all cardiac-related deaths are preventable through lifestyle, diet and exercise modifications. And while 25% of heart attacks each year are in patients who already had one (like Mr. Big), even then they are very, very treatable.”
Look, I cant help but notice that we have a heath problem here in America and that problem is money. The fragile bubble that is the health and fitness industry make rabid cash grabs at the hopes and dreams of those who are out of shape or don’t meet their own body expectations. It is well known for using fake weights on the bar and fake ass cheeks down the yoga pants of fitness models. ( Yup right here ) It is played upon by celebrities who hock fitness apps and energy drinks all the while glossing over the rampant steroid abuse in Hollywood. The powers that be are shockingly afraid of the realization that skinny people have heart attacks as well . On a side note why is it the public disclaimer when a skinny person has a heart issue its “ family history” and when an larger person has one it is a “ choice” ? Ponder that one.
Sex And The City made a massive statement whether they know it or not because public display forms public opinion and selling actual health and fitness is not nearly as sexy and we often see it. But the consequences are real and apply to everyone. Health is messy it involves the emotional spectrum and feelings of self worth. It involves confronting the deeper issues of medical science being predominantly by white men for white men. It involves work and an attention span you can't pack into 30 second tiktock videos. Sex and the City Rocked the fitness boat and its all hands on deck at Peloton to right the ship and convince you there is nothing to see here. Well, there is something to see here. You should be taking this information and your thoughts to your doctor ,your trainer, your mental health professional and get checked out. Get some answers and get on with taking care of you instead of listening to the consistent external influence of well, influencers and marketing agendas.
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