Is the body a machine a ray of light or just a large space potato?
One of the weirdest things I have seen in throughout my career in the fitness industry is the group that always claim the body is a "machine". The ads scream at you in bright colors with hardbodies flexing at the beach claiming that the reason you are out of shape is that your not training like a machine. Train like an athlete they shout, train harder and faster, with the cutting edge science and pre and post workout regimes and diet plans. Cutting edge technology and you know a lot of science ( I use science loosely here.) should fuel your health and fitness.
Well I have some news for you I am a moderate sized quasi cyclist and lifter with some weekend warrior tendencies and a hard curve on my dodgeball throw. I do not play for the NBA MLB NFL PGA or any other all capital letter anagrammed organization. I mainly lift so when someone asks me to help move their couch I can hold up my end. My diet is moderate and I don't feel the need to copy Dwayne Johnsons diet plan.
But on the flip side of that coin there are those who talk about the body being a ray of light in the cosmos and the way to better health is stretching and some movement. They talk in soft voices and low lighting telling you to breathe in the fire of the universe and that soon you will be the master contortionist able to fit into the smallest of airline seats while you sip hot water with lemon and become one with your colon.
Well the joke is on them too because I know I don't stretch enough. I drink too much coffee , pizza is delicious and the most contorted position I often find myself in is when I am laying on the couch during a NETFLICKS suggested viewing binge and as for my colon well we may need to discuss the tacos I had for lunch in a little bit.
So I am not going to be a machine or a ray of light. I am dubbing my body the great space potato. This potato carrying me through the universe and life is fairly limber and pretty strong. It could be stronger, it could be softer and more limber. But as space potato I can gather information and distribute it freely. I don't have to promote one or the other. I can utilize the knowledge that your potato could use a little muscle development in one area to ease pain while suggesting that holding emotional tension in your neck and shoulders should be addressed. That is the beauty of the space potato the rhetoric free fitness program that can adapt to the body and goals that you have or desire.
So maybe your looking to lose a little weight/ run that obstacle course. Maybe picking up the kids is getting a little tougher, or the grandkids are getting a little harder to keep up with; what ever your situation RE*FIT will be here to help you.
RE*FIT More fitness less rhetoric