
Strength, confidence, balance achieved on your schedule.


WHat is My30

MyoBio 30-minute sessions are designed to deliver maximum impact in minimal time, combining non-overlapping, targeted exercises for efficient muscle activation. Each movement is carefully selected to provide the stimulus your body needs while ensuring adequate rest to optimize recovery. This precision-crafted approach ensures you get the results you expect without wasting a single second. In and out focused, effective, and exactly what your fitness journey demands.

WHy it works

Non-overlapping muscle sets are the cheat code for efficiency: one group works, the other recovers, no time wasted. You hit more muscles, keep intensity high, and maximize results all in less time. It’s smarter, faster, and built for the win.

Who is it for

My30 isn’t for everyone it’s for the focused, the driven, and the ones who understand the value of their time. It’s for those who want results over excuses, and know that 30 minutes of intentional effort beats an hour just going through the motions.