REthinking Fitness

Thoughts and musings on health and fitness

Everything is a nail to a hammer.

I often have clients that note how hands on and detail oriented I am with their exercises. Many times we stop before the first rep because they are setting themselves up in the same pattern that has caused them such discomfort to begin with. Short circuiting that set up cycle plays a definitive part in REFIT's training. You see pain and discomfort often come from something being used improperly.  Let us assume at this point  there is no pain in your nose. Take a breath in and let it back out through your nose. Pain free? Good that is a lovely sign that you are using your nose the way that it was intended to be used.  Now if you take your nose/ face and start using it to pound nails into wood you will feel pain in your nose and face.  If you stop and take a look at the nail you will see that it has not been driven very far into the wood and now your face hurts.   Because your nose is intended for breathing not carpentry.  The same can be said for the rest of the body. When it is used correctly and in the way it was intended to be used it should be balanced, pain free, and effective. When used incorrectly well you are driving nails with your nose. 

Christopher YeomanREFIT