REthinking Fitness

Thoughts and musings on health and fitness

Imitation: Vanilla Ice Vs. Queen

Imitation requires immense calculation, so much in fact that you hinder your own process. Once you attempt to imitate the nature of a thing you limit what you can achieve by removing an essential piece of the original. You further hinder yourself by attempting to jam yourself into the hole that was left. The problem is that the hole was not created for you. The hole you created was meant to be filled by another and all you are left with are 3 truths. 1. The imitation will always be limited by the hole that you have created. 2. With that limitation there will never be continued creation, you will always be limited by the original. 3. Without creation the idea will grow stagnant and bear no further fruit. 


Be yourself. There is no need to imitate. Remember that the next time your looking at a fad diet, a celebrity exercise make-over, or a workout program that was not made with you in mind.  

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Christopher Yeoman 


Christopher Yeoman